Sun Seeker
类型:体育竞技 平台:安卓
大小:81.4MB 时间:2024-05-03
Sun Seeker目录
首先,汉语中的两个声母 q (千)和 x(寻)在英语中没有对应的发音。
如果说接近的,只有ch(q) 和 sh/s (x).但是二者皆不理想,离中文的两个音都比较远。
但是,由于汉语和英语在发音上确有区别,要完全找到perfect match有时很难。
与其硬要写出像Chain Sun 之类的东西,老外不懂,中国人不明白,还不如妥协。
Chin Up 昂首挺胸,有精神
Charm Seeker 魅力探索者,寻觅魅力的人
Chamber Searcher 闺房探访者(在房间里搜寻东西的人)
Charm Shown 展现魅力
Cherry Charm 樱桃魅力(少女服饰比较合适,另外ch的叠用很有音韵美,属于押头韵)
Rare Find 稀世珍宝
Charming Treasure 魅力瑰宝
No-more-seeking 不必再寻(与千寻比较接近)
Treasure Shanty 宝藏密室(shanty小屋,一般比较简陋,因shan发音与寻相近,故取之)
Three Shadows
Dante Grabriel Rossetti
I looked and saw your eyes
In the shadow of your hair
As a traveller sees the stream
In the shadow of the wood;
And I said:"my faint heart sight
Ah me! to linger there,
To drink deep and to dream
In that sweet solitude."
I looked and saw your heart
In the shadow of your eyes,
As a seeker sees the gold
In the shadow of the stream;
And I said,"Ah me! what art
Should win the immortal prize,
Whose want must make life cold
And Heaven a hollow dream?"
I looked and saw your love
In the shadow of your heart,
As a diver sees the pearl
In the shadow of the sea;
And I murmured , not above
My breath, but all apart, -
"Ah! you can love, true girl,
And is your love for me?"
Eldin Sunstrider, Tanin Hawkwing, Lorn Bloodseeker, Aldos Firestar, Gilaras Drakeson, Hale Magefire, Kath'ranis Remar, Tyoril Sunchaser, Sylvos Windrunner, Tenris Mirkblood, Marakanis Starfury, Geldor Earthfire, Halendor Burnkin, Kelen the Destroyer